It has been quite the day here at JASY camp! Once again we got up early and loaded onto our buses. (For those of you who are curious we leave Stella Maris at 7:15 in the morning.) We arrived at camp and began setting up!

Our campers arrived and the great day began! Again the campers rotated between Swimming, Caribbean Games, Olympic Village, and Football.

We had an amazing time connecting with our campers. As mentioned above, we had a day full of teamwork. You could feel the energy at JASY camp was strong and centered around caring for one another, respecting each other, and working together!

Nathaniel spoke to us about his experience at camp thus far, "This is my third year at JASY camp as a Sports Ambassador for the Green Team, and every year I start the week worried about whether my kids will come together as a team. But each time, they do so more successfully than I could have imagined, and today as the second day of camp, was a great opportunity to watch that process. Whether it's helping each other in the pool, getting excited together at untangling the human knot in Caribbean Games, or selflessly sharing the highly in demand blue sand while making sand art in Olympic Village. It's a joy to see these kids, who come from such strenuous circumstances, simply being kids. What's ordinary to us is extraordinary to them, and as always I feel blessed to have the opportunity with such awesome kids!"

Allison also told us about her experience at JASY today, "Everywhere I look there are smiles. All of the kids are extremely happy and enjoy everything. Being in the pool has been a unique experience. Most of the kids light up when its pool time. In one of my groups, a kid finally got how to float. She was so happy and proud. I was glad I got to experience that with her. I can't wati to have more moments like that!"

After camp today we took a trip to the Bob Marley Statue and had a great time enjoying the Jamaican Culture! We all felt like tourists here today. After the statue many of us returned back to Stella Maris, while a few of us traveled to the Jamaican version of BJs, aka Mega Mart. We thought we would share with you how we get water. We think its pretty hilarious! Hope you do too! Until next time everyone!