Dave is Mr. JASY! He puts in a tremendous amount of work and thought into making JASY a reality every year. Ever since 2007, Dave has played an integral part in JASY. Once JASY camp ends, he is already starting to get ready for the next year! What he does is truly amazing, and the amount of love and dedication he shows for the Jamaican youth is astounding. Dave does his absolute best to make every day perfect, despite being in a country that... well "goes with the flow of things." Through thick and thin, he has always managed to put on an excellent camp which the youth will never forget. Dave we are truly thankful to have such a dedicated individual captaining our ship! Dave will be running the Command Center during Camp in 2015 (which he has done every year). Dave we can't wait to see what you have in store for us this year!

Joelle, we are truly lucky to have you with us this year at JASY Camp. As the Youth Director at First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford you have connected with so many and opened the youths mind to the many things they can do for the world in the name of God. For that we are truly grateful! It will be so exciting to show you all the JASY does and the impact that it makes on the Jamaican youth as well as our own! Joelle will be floating between venues to get a better idea of what goes on in camp. Hopefully, in two years we can use your input and wisdom to make JASY even better! You have such a caring and loving soul and we can't wait to see how you continue to bond with our youth, as well as changing the lives of the Jamaican youth during camp! Dave and Joelle, you are two extremely unique individuals and we are so lucky to have you leading us this year!