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Let's meet some new team members!


Its time to meet some new folks! Allison Robinson is just finishing up her junior year at Pittsford Sutherland High School. This will be her first mission trip! Allison's big draw to JASY was her love of sports and desire to share that with the world. She also wanted to do her part in making a difference in Jamaica. Allison will be in the Swimming Venue this year and we are excited to see how your simple acts of kindness impact these youth!


Maggie Murray is our next new volunteer! She is finishing up her freshman year at Penfield High School. Maggie is on her High School Swim team so naturally we have her in the Swimming Venue! She has been on a mission trip to Pittsburgh, PA once before in 2014, but this will be her first international mission trip! Maggie hopes to learn about helping children who are in need, especially since their lives and homes are drastically different from our own. We know that Maggie is going to a great job in the Swimming Venue helping kids learn to swim! We also know that this trip will not only impact the lives of the campers, but yours as well. Welcome to the Team Maggie!


Our next volunteer is Emma Fantuzzo, who is finishing up her sophomore year at Pittsford Mendon High School. Emma has never been on a mission trip, and we are so excited that JASY will be her first! We know this will be the fun and life changing experience you are looking for. You will get to help children who are less fortunate than you and get a first hand look at how they live in such dismal conditions, yet continue to have a smile on their faces! Emma, you are right in saying that it is very important to give back to those in need! It is what God wants all of us to do... Help our brothers and sisters of God throughout the world. We will be doing exactly that! Emma will be a member of the Olympic Village Venue, which is our arts and crafts section of camp. You will have the opportunity to sit down and talk to children and help them express themselves through various crafts! Girls, we think you are all going to have a fantastic time at JASY and can't wait to see how you impact the lives of the Jamaican Youth! Good Luck!


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