In just under 50 days we will traveling to Kingston, Jamaica to run JASY Camp 2015! There has been a lot of planning and work done up to this point to get our team of 31 ready to go! Every one of our team members gets three JASY T-shirts to wear during the week of camp and during other activities in Jamaica. As you can see we have five different colored shirts: navy (for the venue team members), red (for the red team members), yellow (for the yellow team members), green (for the green team members), and royal blue (for the blue team members).

Something very new for us this year was pretreating our T-shirts with permethrin to help deter insects in Jamaica. One of the biggest issues in Jamaica is the mosquitoes. In order to protect our team members from unwanted bites, we treat the shirts with this chemical that repels the insects! We hope this works because none of us want to end up with any foreign viruses! Tom, Louise, and Paige all banded together to treat each and every one of the shirts. In total Louise sprayed 93 JASY T-shirts for our volunteer team members. Thanks to their diligent work each one of member of our team will be protected down in Jamaica!

Things are coming along in the world of JASY and we can't wait to be down in Kingston with the 150 children from impoverished areas playing together! Just remember everyone.."Don't Worry Every Little Ting Is Gonna Be Alright!"
Walk Good! (Stay Safe and Take Care in Jamaican Patois)